New Corporate Officers Announced

During a duly constituted meeting which consisted of a quorum of Albany Council of Catholic Nurse members gathered on August 15, 2020; the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven, and have elected the following new corporate officers for the Council:

  1. President – Richard Zazycki
  2. Vice President – Maureen Toohey
  3. Secretary – Christine Lutringer
  4. Correspondence Secretaries – Nancy Vanburen and Claudia Toffel
  5. Treasurer – Barbara Capogna
  6. Chaplin – Reverend Michael A. Farano

The terms of office are effective this date and are in place for the next 2-years.

We extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to Past-President Joan Ribley-Borck for her 10 years of service. Out of an abundance of caution due to the COVID pandemic, we will formally express our thanks for Joan’s service at a later date and time to be announced.

The new officers will meet at a future time to develop a Strategic Plan for the Council including; revision of the by-laws, communications, establishing tax exempt status as a non-profit, steps to stabilize finances, actions to grow membership, community outreach activities and development of a marketing / public relation plan. Due to the COVID-19 virus, all future meetings will be done electronically via the Zoom platform with links, dates, times and agendas published well in advance. There will be NO in-person gathers until everyone feels safe to do so…

Should there be any further questions of concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me at: 518.462.0899 or by email using:

Be well, stay safe and please wear a mask!
Peace and sincere best regards,